With? The Cast of Glee
Rating: 8/10
Details: Räßkäse, Bierkäse, with a slice of ham lunchmeat on Vollkorn sliced bread
Count: 23/5000 (I've eaten a few since my last post... but I will just go from where we left off)
Holy Cheese Batman! What a cheese-licious comeback! I used a combination of Räßkäse and Bierkäse, two cheeses I bought because I had no idea what they would taste like. My roommate proceeded to call them my stinky cheeses, because they really really smell, which did wonders for their flavor! I did a layer of one, then the ham in the middle, then a layer of the other cheese on the equivalent of a whole wheat sliced bread. Turned out lovely and ate it while watching the Prom episode of Glee!
YOU'RE BACK! So exciting!!!